Master of Education, Educational Leadership


Cheryl The, Chair; Donna Berkner, Renard Doneskey, Michael England, Marcel Sargeant

Staff: Michelle Calagos, Administrative Assistant

Aims of the Graduate Education Program

The Master of Education program at Southwestern Adventist University is designed to prepare teachers for advancement in the field of education in areas of leadership and literacy. The program promotes the development of pedagogy and professional dispositions to support leadership in many educational environments with an emphasis on Seventh-day Adventist Schools. 

The specific aims of the MEd Program are as follows:

  1. To promote excellence in graduate education through teaching, research, and service.

  2. To prepare competent teachers, administrators, and other professional specialists for service in the field of education.

  3. To conduct research, disseminate new knowledge, and develop applications of existing knowledge.

  4. To improve human cognitive, academic, physical, emotional, and social development and performance.

Comprehensive Examination

Each MEd student is required to successfully pass a comprehensive examination at the conclusion of the program. Detailed information about the exam is provided by the advisor. The exam must be taken during the last semester before anticipated graduation.

Total credits:





Curriculum Guide